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  • rw791281


These academic skills and personal goals for the next 5 years are susceptible to change. Most of these plans and goals are not set in stone and I do note that they may evolve or change overtime. 

Long- term and short-term goals

Academic goals


I plan to finish my degree by 2025. I plan to achieve the highest marks I can get and push myself without negatively affecting my heath and wellbeing.


Not only to do my best, but my goal is also to network as much as I can. Being at the TAFE campus at South Bank, there are so many individuals with different degrees, that our careers could potentially cross over in the future. I plan to make as many opportunities as possible for myself by networking with others. Adding on top of that, there are so many cool people and I can’t wait to make some more friends.


Some other goals that are related to university would be to join a club or start a study group. This is a problem from me right now because of travel time. This will be a personal goal but when I move out, I will be able to join those groups and network more. Additionally, It helps me comprehend things in a group setting and a studding group would be so beneficial for me.

Skill based goals.


I want to be able to use most of the adobe suite by the end of university. Specifically, Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. In the graphic design industry, it is an employable trait to be able to use these adobe suites and it is the basis programs of the industry. Learning the adobe suite requires initiative, patience, and time. These core skills are something that I plan it use over the course of my bachelor both for schoolwork and in personal time.

To be able to learn the Adobe suite is not the easiest task. There are a lot of complex and in-depth utilities within these different types of software and it’s going to take time to learn all of it. But I aim to take initiative and try to go outside my comfort zone and use different aspects of the software to get the learn the full potential of the suites.

In the Graphic Design Industry, a client or company may request something different or specific. Being able to know the ins and outs of the programs and being able to do said task makes you more employable and sort-out.

On top of all this, I think its good to jump out of my comfort zone and learn new things and see what my creativity can do within different the different types of software.

Professional Goals

I need to get rid of the idea that if I do not get a top-tier, flashy, contract job then I’m not working to my full potential. However, I know that is not the case, success is not measured by your job its measured by self-reflection. So in saying this, there are a few job opportunities I would love to do in the future:


One, I would love to travel all over the world and work for clients. Being able to work for companies and brands that I support and believe in and being able to bring their idea to life on a screen. Being able to do that away from the comfort of home and explore and gain even more experiences. Exploring the world and being financially comfortable to do so.


Two, Living in the country that is like a home away from home, Japan. Working for a company in Japan as a western designer. I already know the basics of Japanese and have been there three times, however I would love to be there as more than just a tourist or a part-time worker. I would like to live there for a while. I know this will not be easy and it’s very different from the western cultures, but I do dream of doing this for a little bit in the long future. Japan for me is both exciting exploring new things and familiarity associated with good memories.


Lastly, is to be able to work as a part of a team or create my own business. I would either love to partner with others or work by myself to sell designs and prints. I would love to be able to design clothes, stickers, merchandise, etc. I am aware that this is a very big financial risk and would take up a lot of time and energy, but it’s a small dream for me. It would be easier to team up with others and create a unanimous vision of a small business. Even if it’s a one of thing or ongoing project I would love to be able to sell my designs and have people interested in my work directly.


Aside from those long-term goals, during my time at university I would like to get into free-lancing and doing a few free-lancing jobs to be able to get experience, network and get my name out there.

Personal goals

Moving out

A personal goal for me is to move out of our family home into the city. I have had that taste of individualism once before when I lived in Japan for 4 months, and ever since I have craved that individualism of living away fro

m my family. I don’t hate them, I love them, I just want my own space.

The one reason for me moving out is transport, university is in the city. It takes me two hours by public transport to get there. I don’t like it, but I tolerate it to be able to get to university. However, I would love to be able to move to at least near the city. It would cut travel time all together and would not wear me out by the end of the day.

To add onto this, I would like to move out because there are more job opportunities in the city for a young graphic designer. It’ll be easier to network and commit to plans without being late or without having to work around public transport time. To be able to find young designers around and join the community and expand my opportunities maybe leading into some professional goals.

There are also more young people in the city. I want to make more friends and meet more people with a similar style as me.

Another reason I really want to move out is to have my own bedroom. Ever had to share a room with someone for almost 20 years? We even have bunk beds! I don’t hate it and we have no privacy either way, I just think the next step for growing up would be to move out.


I have learnt over the past few years that being able to drive isn’t an essential skill. Its almost common for people to not be able to drive in Japan and only use public transport. However, because I’ll be in Australia for a little while and I don’t like the public transport in here, it would be beneficial for me to at least get my provisional license. It used to be a fear, but I think now I’m procrastinating on it now.


An Additional personal goal is to work on my self-esteem. Only just getting into design and not studding it professionally at all in school already puts me at a level behind my peers. I already subconsciously compare myself to others and in a place where everyone is so talented, I can’t compare myself to others and devaluate my efforts or my progress to get where I am today.

In saying this, I also struggle with my own self image reflecting in my work. I understand that the concept of original is almost impossible, and things are being redone in their own ways every day. But when it comes to my work, I beat myself up over being too similar to others. I must work on my own self-criticism and being too harsh on myself.


5-year goals:

1-year 2021:

- Finish my first year of university.

- Learn the basis of the essentials in the Adobe Suite. (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop)

- Move out of family home to the city.

- Start either free lancing or sell my designs on a website like red bubble.

- To try and not cut my hair and let it grow out.

- Go to another convention with a new cosplay.

2-year 2022:

- Be able to see my friend in Perth.

- Have joined one community in Brisbane.

- Be able to expand on my knowledge of the Adobe Suite.

- Make a more polished animatic (This is a personal goal).

3-year 2023:

- At least get my green provisional licence.

- Graduate by the end of the year.

- Be able to recognise the big people within the industry.

- Be able to teach someone else the basics of the Adobe Suite.

- Have collaborated with others or companies in the design industry.

4-year 2024:

- Have either my RSL or barista course done.

- Have grown my social platforms and make more mutual online friends.

- Have at least been able to travel or plan to travel.

5-year 2025:

- Have my clothing ideas out there, either collaborating with someone or self-done.

- To be able to have a good bunch of creative pieces I'm proud of and can show off.

- Pet my dog more, she’ll be getting old by this time.

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