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My Three Principles:

  1. To improve find the improvement in every piece I do.

  2. To be my truest self-online and in person.

  3. Spread happiness to others and  wont accept  intolerance to others for something that is out of their control. (race, sexuality, gender, Ext)

About me

Hi! My names Bec but all on most of my socials I’m called Strike Bunny. Grown and raised on the bay in Australia. I’m one in four children, and within that I’m one of a pair of twins. I would say I’ve had a pretty normal upbringing, as normal as it could be having an identical clone of yourself. Seriously, my parents tried to separate us by putting us in different classes, but it did not work. But I would not have it any other way.


That all being said, I was never the art kid in my family. That was my twin. However, after high school finished, I started drawing for fun. It was something I enjoyed. Yes, I wouldn’t say I was good at it. But seeing the improvement after even one month kept me going. I kept persisting; I wanted to see the growth. I was learning and I started to look up to and learn from other artists. That is what led me to where I am today, studding a Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication Design).


Like any other kid I had interests, lots, and lots of interchanging interests. One that I had since I was little was Japan. It started with Hello Kitty and then expanded into doing Japanese for 7 years. With hard work and determination, I have managed to fund 2 trips (and one scholarship trip) to Japan since I was 15.  All these experiences have impacted not only my perspective of life but my design. I love to integrate into my work my experiences with both the Australian/western culture and my experiences and love for the Japanese culture.


Through my experiences I have found I can be adaptable, considering I have worked successfully in another country by myself. Additionally, reflecting on my first year of university, I didn’t know any software we had to use. Now I’m navigating around them quite well, for a beginner. My goal is to be able to take away so much from this degree and be able to work as a graphic designer in a company.

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